Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Back for More

I know what you're thinking: where have I been??? You were probably worried sick. 

Well sorry for worrying you (although if you're reading this chances are that you are related to me... hi Mom). If you must know though, the prolonged absence was due to nothing other that the fabulous hiatus between semesters known as WINTER BREAK. 

Yes, this is winter is Southern California.

I couldn't even tell you what I did for those 4 weeks... not that it's a secret or scandalous or anything, I just can't really remember. Which should maybe be a concern. Anyways, what I do know is that I was infinitely glad to be home for more than 3 days, and seeing my family and childhood friends was awesome. 

All the festivities around Christmas and New Years felt great to just run around in stretchy pants, eat more than should be possible for a person of my size, hang out with everyone I hadn't seen since summer, and basically just relax. And sleep.

Of course there are downsides to coming back too, like a certain he-who-shall-not-be-named who chose this point in our lives to be a douche bag to me, but hey, what are you gonna do? It will never be easy to find out that your person isn't who they used to be, especially when you are on your own in a new place. That's life though. I realized that all I really needed was to spend time with people who actually love me, and seriously, it worked. My apologies for sharing this unsavory detail, but I think it's worth mentioning for anyone who's ever had their heart broken. 

On a happier note, I finally got to see snow! A family outing to Julian is never a bad idea; pie, candy, good food, and real weather. Oh ya, and that moment where your brother takes off his shirt and runs through a blizzard.

Besides that, my break was a lot of speculating. After a surprisingly successful first semester of college, I decided to apply to journalism school and I hear back next Friday (wish me luck!). If I don't get in, there might be a transfer in my future... actually even if I do get in there stands the same possibility, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

I feel like I'm talking about myself a lot, so I'll wrap it up. You're welcome. 

I just want to let you know that whatever it is in your life right now, you can do it.

Also, stay tuned for less intimate, more cool-stuff-oriented posts this week! Thanks for reading :)


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